Maasdam Sorghum can be found throughout the Midwest. Check your local grocery store, market, orchard or food coop. Online ordering is also available on this website.
We are a Member of the National Sweet Sorghum Producer and Processors Associations.
Members of NSSPPA use the logo shown here to guarantee the product is pure sorghum and not a blend.
We hope you enjoy these Sorghum Recipes provided by the Maasdam family. For more sorghum recipes check out our Sorghum Treasures recipe cook books which include some great cooking tips.

Example: Use sorghum syrup on pancakes, corn bread, and bread. Use sorghum syrup in baked beans, cookies, BBQ sauce and popcorn balls.

Produced by the National Sweet Sorghum Producers and Processors Association, these cookbooks offer hundreds of recipes using pure sorghum. You are sure to discover some new family favorites.

Book about L. J. Maasdam's colorful life. His method of dealing with people, his strong opinions on how to save money, how to get an education and how to handle hired help, are all described in the stories of this book.
Facts About Sorghum Syrup!
- Sorghum syrup is made from sorghum cane, not corn or sugar cane or grain sorghum. Sorghum cane grows 12 to 15 feet tall. The stalk is pressed for the juice.
- Sorghum syrup and molasses are not the same. Molasses is a by-product of the sugar industry. Sorghum is the juice from the sorghum cane that is boiled to produce the syrup.
- Sorghum does not need to be refridgerated. It does not mold like maple syrup, but could sugar. If this happens, just reheat it back to liquid form.
- Sorghum is healthy for you. It contains iron, calcium and potassium.
- Sorghum ranked 5th out of 40 foods tested for antioxidants.
- Be sure you are buying pure sorghum and not blended. Read the labels carefully. And look for the NSSPPA logo like the one shown above.